Monday, January 31, 2011

Why the Ten Commandments?

Has our society lost its way?  Are we losing ourselves in the pursuit of the wrong things in life? Are our children and youth confused about what is right and wrong?

From time to time it’s good to pause and check our moral compass, recalibrating and redirecting our path to the full and faithful life God wants us to lead.

In February, we will begin an eleven-week series on the Ten Commandments. Each week in worship, we will examine what these commandments can teach us today as we seek to live out our faith in an ever-changing world.

The Ten Commandments are some of the most lasting and timeless of God’s words for us, elegant in their simplicity and relevance for all ages. Jesus often quoted from the Ten Commandments. Theologians have returned again and again to the Ten Commandments, and each time find not only the familiar comfort of God’s guiding love, but also something new and fresh for each generation.