Friday, October 30, 2015

"Consumption is Bankrupt"

Princeton Sociologist Robert Wuthnow said millions of Americans are wreaking psychological havoc because they have no clear signpost to guide them in matters of money. In his book, “God and Mammon in America”, he takes a shot at people like me because he says pastors have “abdicated the traditional church role of financial shepherd.” 

His study suggests that Americans are spiritually adrift when it comes to making decisions in the realm of personal economics. Carl Jung: “The central neurosis of our time is emptiness.”

Plato suggested that poverty consists not in the decrease of one’s possessions but in the increase of one’s greed. Two-thirds of the parable Jesus used focuses on money. He was not against possessions but a spirit of possessiveness. 

Gucci loafers are available for $545. The Louis Vuitton travel bag is now $1,760. 

Consumption is bankrupt. More stuff does not bring satisfaction. Stuff wears out, goes out of style or bores us.

We are not owners but stewards of a sacred trust God filters through our fingers. I believe at all times we should factor God into our economics.

Friday, October 23, 2015

"Carpe Diem"

The Uptown streetcar reminds me of my days in Ottawa, as a boy, riding the Bank Street Streetcar.  The green and yellow conveyance on Elizabeth looks just like the ones I traveled years ago.

Linda and I have enjoyed several streetcar trips on Elizabeth in Charlotte. Yes, it is noisy. It delivers lots of students to Central Piedmont Community College. Of course the ridership is positive – it is free! It runs from the Time Warner Cable Arena for a mile and a half down to Novant Presbyterian Hospital. The politicians felt that $37 million was worth it.

We like it for two reasons; one, conversations with strangers just happen while both waiting and riding. Two, it takes us to some good eating establishments, such as Earl’s Grocery, Customshop and Carpe Diem.

My favorite is Carpe Diem. The name alone is an attraction. The interior is a reflection of a Paris Metro Station. The innovative menu and friendly service are part of the attraction.

Carpe Diem really means “Pluck the Day” as in picking ripe fruit. I prefer “Seize the Day.”  It reminds me of the fresh opportunity we have each day to start over.

The Psalmist said it first, “This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.” 


Monday, October 19, 2015

Dave's First Blog Post

Thanks for making my entrance into the ministry and mission of Sardis Presbyterian Church so pleasant. Yes, it is stimulating to make so many new friends. The welcome has been genuine.
Change is a constant. As your Interim Pastor, I feel like I have stepped into a rapidly flowing stream.  Lots of changes for me. Lots of changes for you!

What have I discovered?  The loyalty to this community of faith is exemplary!  What I have sensed is not loyalty to just one person or a group in the church, but a commitment to the larger Body of Christ.
The learning curve is steep.  Thanks for your patience. Linda and I are truly excited to call Sardis Presbyterian Church home.


Rev. Dr. David McKechnie reveals that, "There are three sources to my joy: First, is the love of God revealed to me in Jesus Christ. The second is my wife, Linda, and our two children, Peter and his wife, Mindy, and Sheri and her husband, Michael. Add to that, my grandsons, Ian, Reid, Baker, and Bo. Third, the parish ministry gives me the privilege of exciting people about the Christian faith." Dave and his wife, Linda, are uniquely blessed to enjoy their family, experience God's work through travel, and continue to energetically serve the Lord.