Friday, September 2, 2016

"No Man is an Island"

John Donne, the English poet wrote, “No man is an island, entire of itself.”  We are not islands.  Although, I have met some folks I would suggest are pretty thin peninsulas!  The truth is we are all connected.  We need each other.

In the body of Christ, I have a community that cares about me. Small groups have given me accountability, receptivity and transparency. To be vulnerable is scary but it is a fresh shot at maturity.

God has given us the gift of community within the body of Christ. What do I mean? Family and friends to encourage you, counsel you, pray for you, sharpen you and strengthen you.

I repeat, in our hi-tech world, we need more hi-touch. Touch comes up 164 times in the Bible. It is the first sense to come alive and the last sense to die. The right to touch is earned. In a moment of joy, grief, tragedy, trauma – a hug can be a healing touch.

Yes, we have all experienced the ME culture. We counsel toddlers to get over the MINE attitude. The Christian faith focuses on WE and OUR. The New Testament repeatedly says “One Another.”  Love one another. Care for one another. Pray for one another. Give to one another.

While I was pastor at Grace Presbyterian in Houston, my father died. He died suddenly of a heart attack at age 75. Big shock! I was humbled and amazed at the folks in my faith family that came by and offered help and prayed with me.

John Donne got it right! “No man is an island, entire of itself.”


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