Thursday, April 13, 2017

"The Pomegranate"

Was the pomegranate the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden? The Bible references the pomegranate on numerous occasions. In Ancient Israel, pomegranates were believed to be the fruit the scouts brought back to Moses to demonstrate the fertility of the Promised Land. The robe of the High Priest of the Hebrews had pomegranates embroidered on the hem. In the Old Testament book of Kings, some of the capitals on the Temple pillars were engraved with pomegranates.

Pomegranates have 613 seeds. No, I did not count them! Could it be that the 613 seeds correspond to the 613 commandments in the Torah?

Pomegranates are a motif often found in Christian decorations. Vestments, paraments, and art often include this fruit.

The fruit is known best in the Mediterranean region and in drier states such as Arizona and California. Pomegranate juice is a marvelous source of Vitamin C. The seeds are used as a spice in trail mix, salads, yogurt, ice cream, and granola bars. The seeds are appreciated for their fiber.

Where does the name pomegranate originate? Some think it was dubbed the apple of Grenada.  Granatum is Latin for the dark red color. The French think the name comes from grenade because of its size and shape.

Asians see the fruit as a symbol of fertility and prosperity. All I know is that POM Wonderful continues to show up on my TV in spite of the fact its claims of anti-disease benefits are suspect.


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