Friday, November 11, 2016

"The Covenant Formula"

Swiss theologian, Karl Barth, helps clarify our Christology. His conviction is the “Word made flesh” represents one person, Jesus Christ, in whom divinity and humanity unite. In the Reformed Tradition, Christological reflection begins and ends with the Bible. Christ exposes the gulf which separates God and humankind, and by exposing it, bridges it. Christ is the cutting-edge of God’s revelation to us.  He is the Word that God speaks to us.

The incarnation, the crucifixion, the resurrection and the ascension of Jesus we acknowledge as dramatic benchmarks in God’s redemptive program. We dare not understate the passion of Christ’s obedience to the Father. God’s love for humankind is real. We live by the Covenant of Grace.

The covenant formula is C = P + O.  Covenant equals promise plus obligation.“You are not your own, you were bought with a price therefore glorify God in your body.” 1 Corinthians 6

Through Christ, we are released from hostility toward God and drawn to a life characterized by gratitude. We are Christian – Christ ones, followers of Jesus Christ. Christmas, Good Friday and Easter are so much more than festive holidays. They are reminders that we are called to be children of God.  Now that’s status!


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