Friday, November 4, 2016

"Broken Down"

Fifteen years ago, when I served as pastor of Grace Presbyterian in Houston, I met Don. He stood out!  Why? He was about 6’7”. Yes, he had enjoyed a basketball career at the University of Houston.

His car had broken down. So had his marriage. He sang in our chancel choir. He had a humble presence. He needed help. In order to get his car in working order, it was going to cost $1,100. He didn’t have it. With reluctance, he told me the story.

I gave him the money and said, “Someday, when you are balanced financially, you can pay it back so others can be helped who find themselves in difficult situations.”

Last week, he did. He went to see Dr. Trey Little, the present pastor of Grace Presbyterian, and paid back the full amount.

Trey was surprised and appreciative. Don felt that an obligation had been met. He was happy to pay it back so others could be enabled to cope in the midst of difficult circumstances. “The Lord loves a cheerful giver.”


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